Home-building can be a String of Bad Decisions Combined with the Ignorant Expectation that Nothing Can Go Wrong
Home-building can be a String of Bad Decisions Combined with the Ignorant Expectation that Nothing Can Go Wrong Home-building decisions should be made by informed thoughts, and a rational look into the future to see the outcome of a logical chain Read more
Structural Support is NOT a Shared Duty
Structural Support is not a shared duty. Components which bear the weight of a whole house can't be allowed to differ from one part of the house to another. For instance, where near-surface bearing soils swirl like marble cake, if part of the house Read more
SEWER TAP WARNING – How Many Thrones May Your Castle Contain?
Tearing down an old house to build back a new one is a popular goal, especially in well established, highly sought after neighborhoods. It’s not any less expensive, but the adage ‘location-location-location’ makes it desirable, anyway. One Read more