The basic structure of the American system of education at all grade levels, its very foundation, must dramatically shift.
Emphasis must be on :
- Fundamentals of Finance : Money management, budget planning, saving money by not spending, credit control, borrowing and repaying money including college debt, investing, and filing taxes.
- Life-Goal choices : Career, buying a house, being the best at a job, honesty, integrity, loyalty.
- Spice of Life choices : buying cars, cell phones, clothes, travel, dining, and other luxuries.
- Resilience and Recovery after difficult times and failure.
- Humility with success.
- Charity for those in need.
- Patience and Self Control concerning long term planning for a prosperous life.
- Loyalty and Commitment to personal standards of all of the above.
These are the critical control points for creating a successful person, a flourishing community, and a strong nation.
In the grand scheme of home planning and building, the right time to address matters of money is pretty early in the process. The illustration below shows the Home Building Timeline with a gold star at the step N-5 for MONEY. The entire category for Money is free to read.

What Should Happen Next.
As far as education is concerned, whether for first-graders, high-schoolers, college students, or all-grown-up adults and professionals, those who know more stuff need to try harder to get that knowledge to those who know less.
- Tell people what you know. There’s no age limit for the tell-er or the tell-ee.
- Never stop learning, yourself. Ask questions about what you don’t know, then learn all about it. So many tools for finding information, like internet search-engines and libraries with real books – still my personal favorite – put good knowledge within everyone’s grasp by simply clicking a mouse, touching a screen or turning a page.
- Show what you know. Maybe even show-off a bit. Whether it’s making star-shaped patterns in carpet with a vacuum cleaner or shooting for the stars with rockets, the phrase, “Look what I can do,” can be used by anyone at any age.
- Heap on the praise for those who ‘get it.’ There’s another phrase, “Look what you did!” When applied right with excited joy, those words can lift the sense of personal value of anyone receiving the compliment, whether toddler, teen or timeless elder.
So, what is Andy doing? Look What I Can Do!
To show that I’m not all talk, look what I can do. I can share my knowledge. Everyone reading this article has a chance to learn about home planning, building, and remodeling. A FREE, NINETY DAY SUBSCRIPTION to HomeBuildingTimeline.com is only a few clicks away. It’s free. It expires after 90 days and won’t renew, so you don’t have to worry about any payment, ever. Instructions are below.
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BUILDERS AND SUB-CONTRACTORS: Every professional needs a guideline for every project, no matter the size or cost. Home Building Timeline is the perfect tool for project scheduling and dispatching people and material. HBT shows you when to get all the right people and right things in the right place at the right time.
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Why am I doing this?
It’s important for people to know that Home Building Timeline exists. The information is very useful and I love teaching it. It’s also important to gain subscribers – the paying kind. My hope is that you’ll be so impressed with what you see and learn, that you’ll tell all your friends and associates about it. Then you, they and others will find it useful and come back to buy a subscription for a real project.
After that, you can say, “Look what I can do,” because you’ll have something really great to teach others. Then, when they get it, you can add, “Look what you did!”
Have fun learning and teaching.
Thank you,
Andy Bozeman

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