PANDEMIC PRICING AND HOMEBUILDING by Andy Bozeman Never Buy High to Sell Low. But if You’re Building or Remodeling, Right Now, That’s EXACTLY What You’re Doing. At this moment, if you are trying to build anything related to ‘home’ and yo Read more
You CAN have an Affordable Home
M-5 Money Why does everything cost so much?! That question is the key in the struggle to make a place for yourself. Building a life is tough. Finding your way, meeting a mate, raising a family, working hard to have the best quality of life, then Read more
Cost to Add-on and Renovate
Add-On, Remodel, Renovate Construction Cost applies to any area which is changed or touched. Extending a room doesn’t just add new space. Also changed will be the original room because existing walls, windows, doors, floors, and ceilings in Read more
Self-Loaning Can Become Self-Loathing
The global attitude of the new millennium concerning the possession of things is, sadly, comprised of traits related to 1. impatience, 2. over-consumption, 3. waste, 4. ostentation, 5. swaggering; and the irrational fear of being the only one in an Read more
“Won’t Work” Never Will
Given project conditions that will never change, numbers that don't work are numbers that never will work. Stop the project. Read more
Best Method of Personal Financial Growth
A true, haunting story excerpt from GHOST BUBBLE : The RIGHT WAY to start smart, and end strong A timeless formula, tested by every generation since money was invented, as shells, beads, and salt. start with a small, simple, very Read more
Faith Builds a Mountain……of loss
A true, haunting story excerpt from GHOST BUBBLE : He said he had a vision. He said God “parted the veil of reality” and revealed a long line of sleek A-frame structures on a plain of endless sand. His understanding of the vi Read more
The Son-Dad Plan : Tipping the Scales
A true, haunting story excerpt from GHOST BUBBLE : The Home Place becomes the Gone Place Washington State - 2011 - 147 picturesque acres, worth over a million dollars, split down the middle by the Snoqualmie River - home of the family d Read more
The IRA That Went Away
A true, haunting story excerpt from GHOST BUBBLE : One person using up an individual retirement account In early 2010, somewhere in middle America, a forty-something woman with two small children, was freshly divorced. The settlement : no c Read more
Bubble Trouble
What Is a Bubble? A Bubble will occur whenever there’s a disproportionate, upside-down relationship between the purchase price of a thing, and the actual value of that thing. Upside-down? The value of the thing will never be as high as the price Read more
401(k) is Off Limits for Home-building Self-Lending
Self-Lending becomes Self-Loathing. You’ll hate yourself later. First, remember this. The context of this entire HomeBuildingTimeline.com project is about you ending up owning your own home, or owning your next one. Toward that goal almost eve Read more
Then, Now and Later
The answer is : Because we keep planning such stupidly expensive houses! The questions are : How did American homes get so expensive? How did we get in this mess? How can we get out of it? This article is about what houses were like Read more
Distracted Driving – Hidden Building Cost – No Recovery
SETTING - It’s a dark and stormy night. A lull in the storm offers a chance for a man (his real name is Husband) to leave the sprawling building, where his office is located; and from which he is the last to exit. In front of the sprawling buil Read more
Grown Children MUST BE On Their Own for Money They Owe
It’s not that this happens often; it’s that it happens ALL the time. DS (not even close to his real name) came to me for the design of a new home. He had done everything right, concerning his personal finances and long-range expectations. His p Read more